TikTok Update 2023: TikTok Experimenting with 15-Minute Video Uploads


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TikTok Update 2023

TikTok Update 2023: TikTok is currently in the testing phase of a feature that would allow its users to upload videos lasting up to 15 minutes. This change in video upload limits, confirmed by an online source on Monday, is being trialed in specific regions with a limited user group. However, TikTok hasn’t disclosed precise details about this regional rollout.

TikTok Update 2023:

This enhancement extends the previous video upload limit, which was capped at 10 minutes.

Initial Discovery by Social Media Expert

This significant alteration was initially brought to attention by social media consultant Matt Navarra. He shared a screenshot showing a message displayed to users granted access to this new 15-minute upload option. According to the screenshot, this extended upload capability is accessible both through the TikTok mobile app and on the desktop.

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TikTok’s Evolution Toward Long Content

Long-form content, widely recognized for its popularity in short-form videos, is gradually shifting toward accommodating longer content. This transformation commenced in February 2022, when the company expanded the maximum video length from three minutes to 10 minutes. Prior to this, the limit was merely 60 seconds after initially expanding from a brief 15-second duration.

TikTok Update 2023

Empowering Content Creators

The extended video duration empowers content creators with more time and flexibility. It offers them the opportunity to share a broader spectrum of content, encompassing cooking recipes, beauty tutorials, educational material, and comedy sketches. Prior to this, when videos surpassed the 10-minute limit, creators were obliged to direct viewers to a “Part 2” video. With this extended timeframe, creators may no longer need to fragment their content into multiple segments.

Competition with YouTube


TikTok’s shift toward accommodating longer videos places it in more direct competition with YouTube. This strategic move suggests TikTok’s intent to attract creators accustomed to posting long-form content on YouTube. In the past, TikTok was renowned for short, snappy content, while YouTube was celebrated as the platform for long-form videos. However, recent years have seen a blurring of lines, with TikTok embracing longer video formats and YouTube adopting shorter videos through features like “Shorts.”

User Preferences and Awareness

It’s essential to recognize that not all TikTok users may welcome this extension in video duration. TikTok is primarily known for its short and entertaining videos, which is its unique selling point. While this change broadens TikTok’s capabilities, it’s possible that not everyone on the platform seeks longer videos. TikTok appears cognizant of this by introducing features like fast-forwarding, allowing users to skip through videos by holding down the right side of the screen.

Future Rollout Plans

TikTok has not yet disclosed if or when it intends to make this 15-minute video upload feature available to all users. Currently, it remains in the testing phase, and its wider adoption will depend on how it performs in the trial regions and user feedback.

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